Just a car guy : Ron Pratte car collection -
18 wheel beauties, So it was a regular wednesday evening, we were driving around trying to figure out where we wanted to eat, when a sea of glistening chrome appeared before me..
The world' expensive motorcycles - vintagent, Regularly updated; the vintagent's 'top 20' is the only reliable source tracking top motorcycle sales. all motorcycles were sold at public auction; private.
Motorcycle 74: pin- gilera motorcycle, Eng - motorcycle 74. blog is a photo stream on motorcycles, which emphasizes on the visual and historical aspect of the great variety of motorcycles types.

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Flies teeth, Albie currently rides a custom harley-davidson sportster. he started riding on a vespa ten years ago and then fell in love with riding motorcycles..True news usa: analyst harley-davidson riders , Analyst says harley-davidson riders are getting old - average age of a harley rider is 50's.Our harley days, Our harley days our rides our adventures our family and friends traveling free and easy down a road that never ends.Just car guy : ron pratte car collection, Tere posted a whole gallery of photos of ron's collection: http://justacargal.blogspot.com/search/label/ron%20pratte for the jan 2012 update with a the.
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Just car guy : robert lee museum collection , Robert lee was killed in 1975, the museum closed in 1993. the cars have been pilfered, vandalised, and neglected for 18 rainy years. see more about the.18 wheel beauties, So it was a regular wednesday evening, we were driving around trying to figure out where we wanted to eat, when a sea of glistening chrome appeared before me..